Friday 2 May 2014

News Reports.

Lk24th October 2013.
Secret Slums of North London.
Illegal immigrants offered a free plane home if they leave the country instantly.

Eastern European illegal immigrants settled in the derelict grounds of Hendon FC have finally have been evicted. After four years since squatters moved here the grounds become out of hand and turned into a slum. This Hendon shantytown became a well known place to Romanians from the Transylvania part of the country. The residents of this site had no running water, electricity, and lavatories and was invested with rats.

                  Two of the residents transporting their laundry with a wheel chair 
                       just off Cricklewood Lane. 

Local resident claims “The council should of sorted this from the start and not let
it get to this stage. My children’s bikes have been stolen they’ve created a massive
rat problem in the area. They shouldn’t of been allowed to come here and do these
sort of things it’s been a real hindrance and it’s not been nice to live here since
they’ve moved here. It’s completely changed the community, it’s made me and my
family feel unsafe  to be in our own home, it’s just not fair.

It’s said that ministers declined putting an estimation on how many residents were
staying at this site however, MigrationWatch claimed it may have been about fifty
thousand a year since  the slum began in 2009.   

Borough of Barnet’s head of environment Dean Cohen says “This is suburban London
and several residents have raised the issue of the squatters with me. This kind of squalor
has no place in London.”

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